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Vance Aandahl

" U gaj ep u plaj "

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Y scen-fajc clasihs teem: u sowl bitx ol y lohj mon. Y poesaw trat ci orikyd an u pictaw art in u Sahg Plaht scrip. Y lyrihs dqotyr amboe...

Wyrl tir-tal lyns, cwo an yls jyrl tir-tal lyns ej pah oz lyns brilihrl in naj cwaj perls ep y tejm en velt ej pah flecihrl in u fhags, on fhags en ag ma en yt xog, xog ohns tyhrl suna. U fhags sihrl pyrp, cwaj u sahg, ej u lyns claerz soepyrl ga geen nih syhms; ga pyrp ej geen, bintihw ga u onpawyr ritm an u qaw vee fin, graw, pihg, owlaw, sihrl on en ag ma cym en u plaht im creem; myc yrg cwaj u sahg an cwe ecaw ceetyhr xid. Cwej lee tyrl sihl dyrl viwa y rat cwil nomyhrnt fohj u plaht u Sahg Plaht. U ahcs plaj syrl en rub xoe. U rub fhags cihrl bawna yl ej u rub xoe ryrl yls. Wyrl coj u lyns scint in sil, ep u fhags ej plaj, ej pee saj ep u Alan Bronson dors, cwil syerl amtj eqh tam strahq oz tyd fika ej dqawnyerl ep u Sahg Plaht plaj.

- "Aqh, amtj jis sow ep u rub plaj an oz dahgaw lan, ej ohns to adqa aqh, ohns to adqa aqh..."

Ewt wyrnt u cahts, jam u tums, jam u faws ol u rub oris, jam u nitramligs qishbh dahnsihw to pah dejla aht qihl ir dahnsihw. Ej styrnt ihns. Tym dqawnyernt eg u tem, cetils u jer ejg an y yt om, ma tjyernt ihns, cwil wyrl coj u lyn-win, oz mag lyn-win, ej u fhags, pah u fhags ej u xoe, pah oz xoe; rub, pyrp, nacj ma ihns vir, ten, dow cwaj wyrnt antedh. Ej dqawnyerl.

- "Aqh amtj. Pli..."

Ihns cyrl dqu zye tajm, cwil wyrl ihns, coj u sil ej u qaw ej u ter, ej pee u nitramligs, ma on oms. Wyrl coj Alan, ci dqawnyerl ep u plaj, ci sohwyerl de u ac xogs, sow: wyrnt y fim, y bryn ihmj fim ga nygaw cylj ogs. Tjyernt ajf cxath in y nid en vir podh ej alf flojs, plecarl za coms ej cahwarl dowil y maest bawd. Syrl y tem ga lon athstiz ej powl carnavaws - y tem an teerizh en vit, an citr-jys, an aenym seegs. Wyrnt saj y yt tem, pah pleqh ga u bryn difj frohns xtaqh - y tem en gris sils, nihbaw phoews, ej crucs citrols. Memyerl u qes cans ci nipihrnt aed zye naw ep cwe lag. Waj syerl y alf notph tojtish ga mew, u yt y retrivye ga y crisj trig, gras ej lent. Qees gelihrnt (u cans nihrl gela tym) cwan flimyernt ihs. Wyrnt yt tems, ma tyerl jup mema taw xogs.

- "Dqens djihd, om en af, sahg, ceesiz, brejn. Ma aqh, aqh jod coj mems, ihns yt. Aqh, mems. Cwan u mems fygihd, fygod. Ma ohns to adqa aqh, ohns to adqa aqh..."

Xto, relyerl di syerl fro y mag fojkc rog ci celyrl do u plaj cwaj u spih an cwe gic zoht an u wow ow ocaw tems. Syrl coc ej iqh cylj, strish ga mag rub xwaqhs. Scintyrl in u taxaw lyns win, phasj be celj dqu u fert vee neej an u Sahg Plaht. Alan, tyrbj bi oz mor, pawyerl froe u rog. Finil, sahjihw, premyerl coe u moen en magent lit ej ficsyerl zye prihms ep u xoe, prihms ci ejlihrl vee wel cu y stern an spaj, tem, sohws...

Wyrnt y spaj por, u piw an pah u pan, pleqh ga pah u qahjs, pah u dqils, pah u lyps, pah u pravzis...pah oz plaqhs ctosh di u omyz nowb fihg fyrnt nasa. Wyrnt tym mag redqiz ej turs tis cwo cam woetyrl etr dqihrs, ej in wast raws pawl qag, sord riltizh pleqhsh bi bars. Wyrl mag dqahjparciz, plaqh-doems, txelz-cycliz ej dqens ci twihrl e si cwerl saha oz... dqens, dqens en pah u cyls, txots, txizh, sehsiz. Ej yt xogs ir, xogs gwyhrl ol u zoqhs, ej xogs ci axihrl cyrsihw lohn u rils pleqh bi dqens. Ol oz spaj por, Alan acyernt cwi dehg dqeps fihl maj, phita, rihl. Jam, cwaj shyernt froe u "Cwa, fh'dqa ?" lusc cawp y eem gaj djyernt yejc: "Waj, qes, tir, fh'cyr sud eqh ?" Jam u eem gaj phoecyernt zye byrc tej, txumyernt wajs ej mxjyernt, jam, trajnihw u pezh, fygyernt pjidh in u twum. Alan pawyernt y nee ej y psaqh slyrnt zye mehs: "Fh'cyr sud eqh ? Ju cwaths."

Alan sahyerl y dol ol u nog. Y crab (ow phil ci prepyrl) lucstikyrl zye cal. Lehtil, dqwapil, pokyerl zye nog dqu zye phe, xalmyerl u xowlor do ly stjas ej sweryerl yl phylca in zye man. "Cwed coj wita...cwaj'qh...to'z tworf on'js. Fh'ci tyhd djihl aqh piw da'js ? Ohns. To'z tworf on'js." Dqicyerl in u pyrp fhags u crab ci fygyrl. Jam townyerl slitihw ej txoqhlyerl u mag rub rog. Txukyerl trajnihw u pezh, ewt waj pe, jam u yt, cu y nivaw nyb en lif ej latht di zye fewaw mehs tyrl vwihl, ma on zye ogs: vwihrl coj u plaj ej u qaw ga ly fojkc fhags di ohns tyhrl suna ej u mew sil pleqh bi lyns - coj u xogs, oz sternaw xogs an u Sahg Plaht.

Antedh, wyrnt yt xogs oemil sternaw: u om cet gehz in u pan ej u spon an stern di y so geh ecmigr simyrl warnda. Wyrl saj u dqowcaw sof an zye qabor ol u Mows, y awk txotj gaj, ga geenj coms ej azur blej ogs. "Edk u stejs" oz gaj djyernt, ej oz mots sihrl graw in sen ej magz; "Edk u stejs ee u magz..."

Wyrl u gesvhiz waj-txi, cyl an blej sil ga y onfinj bewz, to cwej maxyernt ej di awpyernt maja. Ej wyrl u fihs scja an y spaj neqh, ondejlel sahjb an u om cet sro u spaj. Pah oz dryrnt lohg, ma nal wyrl jup coj u mehlodqj frags an y agonyr mnaqh.

Antedh, proe u qaqh, incyernt y blevh, y lawt-mzisor nomj Bue ci amtyernt u vwaqh cwe ol eg Betelgews. Incihrl ol u glomcam an y lyc lin-fu tis u mag vitaw og delyrl u pan onfinj nil duh drifihrl dahgil, cwe ol irs qes sols. Alan syernt txynj bi u irn an oz strahq foeldq irs u phehwf ej u xyz iw-ic oz wajc, xom ej zim cuc. U lawt-mzisor, y lomj phesh gaj, ga pihg mehbs ej xom scja, clomj bi y nigaw alf comj crihn, ihcsyernt ga y oescyr swil loedqihw zye muzh ga u les tar.

- "Fh'lwed vans ? Sod ble ma tod lwihl fihgaw van-bor. Xeep."

- "Gee."

Lwihrnt, Alan uzihw y van-bor, u lawt-mzisor zye mehs.

- "Fh'cyr stejs ?"

- "Ahp," ripyernt Alan. "Ahp ej iw."

- "Ahpz coj vartaw roe. Tjerf ajm psow vart."

- "Cajt - velyr ewaw ahpz."

- "Je, velyr, ma saj sheew. Ahpz oq, nil mahj: ymt gaj, xom fasm."

- "Ow on fasm."

- "Je. Ow on fasm."

Fasmiz, syd lee sihrl nal, plaj toewmaw spectriz ci ti-flihrl amf zye bri tej ej cahwihrl zye oert. Ga y roec gel, ryerl u dyn tleezh an zye ag-shpon. Tiw yem, wyrl y mahjcaw phow marcj bi u prihms an zye pads ej needq. Froe yem, wyrl y yt phow, mih mahjcaw gee, ma im pew saew: cwelyernt to ensa dqu zye dqaqh-pon. U jom syrl y lag ej cwelyernt amf yl. Alan crilyerl phyfihw slitihw ej dzyerl u brath xarc an lee syrl y spaj neqh. Fejyerl ba-dqeejs, ej mudqj ga u ba, wyrl u ceesiz an zye vi-coetvhiz.

Lanihrnt ol u plaj ej catihrnt in u naj vee fin an u Sahg Plaht. U aer syrl ahw, ej poerihrnt in pah nih glor, yg sihl oms, txohm cwaj dews, stejs cahcsors. Tym u nitramlig phord tums ajg mzis scandyrnt ol u oris ej u Ges oms waefihrnt u spih. Cwaj y paj frajsh bi u xims an y fusc cam, fobihrl u nitramligs caht, oz csenaw caht ci junyrnt ew dqu u tums to wihsa ol u rub oris. Tew, zidh yp nih dryfs in u mew sil, u nitramligs qikihrnt; xtihrl bi cenzis ma cihrl bi cilzis. Coj Alan scapyernt, scapyernt coj to fihl u qir, in ejp dils, an y lag en sahg, to ensa wajs ir ol u otx scehn an zye coetvhiz.

Sploryernt u dyn onsh, tjyerl zye fin fawk. Totxyerl in u rub plaj xoe di bawnyrl tojk u pyrp qaw pylsaj tojk geenj bi u now-tir-tal lyns win. Phoerpyerl.

Ol u swyw dil mahn, y neqh qishbh. Cwan u oms wispihrl yem qlidh yem dowil, rowyerl ep u dors ej ficsyerl u xyz ga y psyw spe. Pos y mjo, djyerl ihjc: "Waj, qes, tir, fh'cyr sud eqh ?" Jam phoecyerl zye byrc tej, txumyerl wajs, ej dqoelyerl; styerl steesh, u wis in u xoe, ej pjyerl...

Ginaw reet: The man on the beach.

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Ce même texte en Écriture Argpal (Version 2)
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Ce même texte en Écriture Argclaw
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